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Organics & Food Recovery Resources
We will gather general links and then will build out several sections in this Resource Library including links to food recovery organizations and best practices, composting and diverting organic waste.
- The Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (OMRR) regulates the production and land application of compost and biosolids
- BC Government: Best Management Practices for Curbside Collection of Residential Organic Waste
- National Zero Waste Council: Circular Food Solutions in Canada: A Coast to Coast Landscape Scan
- Love Food Hate Waste Canada | https://lovefoodhatewaste.ca/
- Compost Education Centre: https://compost.bc.ca/
- SWANA Compost Facility Operator Training https://swanabc.org/training/compost-facility-operator-training/
- Regenerative Waste Labs: https://www.regenwastelabs.com/