Hazardous Waste Regulation for Moderate Risk Waste: An Update with the MOECCS
August 31, 2023 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
CWMA Special Event + Q&A
Thursday, August 31, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM pacific
Join us for an update from the Ministry on the changes to the Hazardous Waste Regulation for Moderate Risk Waste
We are grateful to welcome Erin Scraba, Michael Schwalb, and Konane Dion-Belair from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for a short presentation followed by ample time for your questions.
NEW! Please send any questions in advance so that the team can pre-prepare.
Virtual Doors Open at 12:45 PM for visiting and a/v check 1:00 PM — Welcome Everyone! 1:05 PM — Presentation by the Ministry 1:25 PM — Q&A 2:00 PM — Conclusion
As always, a follow up and event recap will be sent after the event.
CWMA uses the Zoom Platform for events. Dial-in option is available but participants must confirm the dial-in phone number to be admitted to the event.
The Hazardous Waste Regulation amendments for moderate risk waste came into force August 1st, 2023. Moderate risk waste is household hazardous waste and similar waste from institutional and commercial sources and include: waste motor oil, portable fire extinguishers, propane cylinders, oil-based paint, and lead-acid batteries.
The objectives of the amendments, as outlined in the intentions paper and the What we Learned Report, are to:
Better support the diversion of moderate risk waste from the municipal waste stream (for example, by better facilitating the diversion of these wastes from landfills)
Develop requirements for storage and transport that are more achievable and practical while remaining protective of human health and the environment
Harmonize requirements under the Hazardous Waste Regulation with the Recycling Regulation
The scope of the amendments focused on:
Storing moderate risk waste at Return Collection Facilities (RCFs)
Transporting these wastes from RCFs to hazardous waste management facilities (e.g., processing, treatment, or disposal facilities), and storing at in-transit consolidation facilities
CWMA Special Event + Q&A
Thursday, August 31, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM pacific
Join us for an update from the Ministry on the changes to the
Hazardous Waste Regulation for Moderate Risk Waste
We are grateful to welcome Erin Scraba, Michael Schwalb, and Konane Dion-Belair from the
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for a short presentation
followed by ample time for your questions.
NEW! Please send any questions in advance so that the team can pre-prepare.
Virtual Doors Open at 12:45 PM for visiting and a/v check
1:00 PM — Welcome Everyone!
1:05 PM — Presentation by the Ministry
1:25 PM — Q&A
2:00 PM — Conclusion
As always, a follow up and event recap will be sent after the event.
CWMA uses the Zoom Platform for events. Dial-in option is available but participants must confirm the dial-in phone number to be admitted to the event.
The Hazardous Waste Regulation amendments for moderate risk waste came into force August 1st, 2023. Moderate risk waste is household hazardous waste and similar waste from institutional and commercial sources and include: waste motor oil, portable fire extinguishers, propane cylinders, oil-based paint, and lead-acid batteries.
The objectives of the amendments, as outlined in the intentions paper and the What we Learned Report, are to:
The scope of the amendments focused on:
More information: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=F4ADCE577120461BA5B599DDDE1336FC