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CWMA Sustainable Event Checklist

We make waste reduction a priority at our events. While it is not perfect yet, we improve each year and use the following checklist to guide our efforts:


In General

☐ Ensure the vendors we work with use sustainable sourcing and delivery practices. 

☐ Partner with venues and vendors who show a commitment to sustainability. 

   Delta Marriott:

☐ We reuse and recycle our name badges.

☐ We use reusable, long-lasting signage that we do not throw away after the event. 

☐ We limit printed materials.

☐ We provide carpool sign up and encourage ride-sharing.

☐ We communicate our sustainability efforts to attendees before and during the event.  


Swag & Gifts

We always consider the long-term environmental benefits or challenges of the items we give attendees. 

☐ We focus on curated gifts from small businesses, local artisans and eGifts.

☐ Focus on environmentally conscious, ethically sourced, and indigenous businesses.

☐ We request exhibitors offer sustainable, intentional swag based on our sustainability preferences.

☐ We provide durable, long-lasting, and reusable products that people will enjoy for a long time.


Zero Food Wasted

We are committed to reducing food waste. Delegates are asked to complete a survey indicating their attendance for key meals to help us order the right amount of food. This initiative is improving each year with increasing survey participation. 

☐ We work with the hotel to package leftover food for distribution to local organizations. What cannot be distributed, will always be composted.

Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

In that order. We are pretty clever about finding ways to minimize what we use while putting on an excellent event!
