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Surfrider Canada
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Surfrider Canada's Programs Include:

  • Beach Cleanup Program - Surfrider Foundation Canada’s volunteer network conducts beach cleanups throughout British Columbia and the Atlantic coast. Our National Beach Cleanup program provides a fun and easy way to volunteer and engage with our mission to protect the ocean, waves and beaches. We welcome all volunteers, and want to continue ensuring our clean events are accessible for all folks.
  • Our Hold Onto Your Butt (HOTYB) program brings awareness to negative impacts of cigarette butt litter on the coastal and marine environment, conducts public cigarette butt cleanups, and advocates for policy solutions at all levels of government.
  • Foam Free Waters is a campaign that is seeking a national and provincial ban on polystyrene in aquatic infrastructure.
  • Ocean Friendly Business (OFB) in partnership with BC Green Business, is a certification-based program that supports businesses looking to increase circularity in their operation, including reducing waste and plastic usage.
  • Blue Water Task Force is Surfrider South Vancouver Island’s volunteer-run water testing education and advocacy program. The goals of the program are to promote environmental stewardship in our community and ensure safe and healthy access to coastal habitats for generations to come.
  • Youth Education - through various chapter programs, volunteers teach elementary and secondary school students about plastic pollution, beach cleans, and taking action in their schools and communities.
Surfrider Foundation Canada’s mission is the protection and enjoyment of our ocean, beaches, and waves, for all people. Our focus areas are plastic pollution, clean water, coasts and climate, ocean protection, and beach access.
Address or locations
Victoria, BC