Grassroots & Student Application Information
Each year, the CWMA Board provides a limited number of Grassroots & Student Conference Registration opportunities for delegates from organizations that depend on grants and donations to operate, or from students that are enrolled in full time studies relating to waste management or the environment.
The Grassroots initiative is designed to give smaller organizations, typically non-profit societies or charities that depend on volunteer staff, or those with limited funding such as students, an opportunity to participate in this event.
Approved Grassroots applicants will receive one registration to attend the Coast Waste Management Association conference at the reduced rate of $100.00 (plus GST) for Virtual Registration or $400 (plus GST) for In-Person Registration AND/OR there will be a limited number of no-cost options awarded dependent on the number of sponsors who gift tickets.
Accommodation and travel to and from the event will be the responsibility of the delegate. All applicants will be notified and those that are successful may be called upon to assist with administrative responsibilities during the event.
As this program relies on financial support from our sponsors, the CWMA Board reserves the right to accept or reject any (or all) applications based on the financial support we receive.